
Monday, June 18, 2012

Easy Repair Service Request Procedure Using Your Globe/TM Mobile

Reporting concerns regarding Globe Postpaid and Globe broadband can be easily accessed by dialing 211 on your Touch Mobile or Globe Mobile Phone. For prepaid, a minimum load balance of P7.50 is required to access 211. The Call-in service (211) is toll free and is available 24/7. However, Live Agents are only available from 8 AM to 8 PM.

I myself hate calling 211 due to the lenghty voice prompts and sometimes a time comsuming litany of advertisements are being played. I know that this is just one way of holding a client a little more before reaching the preoccupied Live Call-in Agents.

To hasten things a bit, I memorized the menu number sequence and pressed the key key sequence after selecting the transaction language.

To walk you through the Call-In service, diall 211 on your Globe or TM mobile. A voice prompt will ask you to select the transaction language: 1 English, 2 Taglish; 3 Visayan. Choose your preferred language and press the number sequence below:

Onsite Visit Request: 31
Report Connection Problems:
     Broadband   : 321
     Landline       : 322
     Tattoo Stick : 323
Billing/Reconnection: 34

Leave comments if it helped you.

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