
Monday, September 8, 2014

Is 5G Technology Available Now in the Philippines?

Well the clear answer to that is not yet. We might be seeing an improved 4G service but we are still far away from the real 5G technology. Just today, Huawei, a Chinese communications equipment manufacturer has announced that they are starting to fund a 5G development project which will be available to consumers by 2020.

"Mr. Wen Tong, the official representative of Huawei Technologies, said that according to their calculations there will be more than a billion connections around the whole world by 2020, and 5G technology may provide massive connectivity to speed it up."

The 5G technology will provide a fibre network like user experience for the common people on a wireless network connection.The fact that it can deliver speed of 10 Gbps, which is more than 100 times faster than the current mobile technologies today.
Earlier, South Korean giant Samsung has tested 5G successfully, which is ready for commercial roll-out by 2020. Now Huawei has joined the list too by announcing its own plan of action towards this advanced connectivity technology.
Meanwhile, Nokia is likewise preparing its 5G test network in North Finland.

"We are evaluating the possibility of participating in a 5G test bed in Oulu, focusing among other things on LTE evolution," Lauri Oksanen, VP of technology and research at Nokia Networks, said.
Possible Nokia 5G Test Site in Oulu, Finland.

"Although 5G research is well under way, 5G is not yet defined or standardized and will become available only in the next decade (from 2020). However, it is clear that LTE/LTE-Advanced will be part of 5G."
While the world is busy developing 5G, SMART claims they are rolling-out their 5G Technology here in the Philippines. It is clear from the Chinese equipment developer that they are still developing 5G and will only be practical by 2020.

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